i was really into it because a friend of mine, adam, used to work for fox and was a host of a live action kids show that they would play on saturday mornings called 'fast forward'. i went with him a couple times to the taping of the show and was in the audience for the show and actually saw myself on tv a time or two! to an eleven year old, this is truly amazing.
because of my love for all that stuff, i figured i should join the club. they always had giveaways and other fun kid stuff around town. you could save some money or get free stuff at the movie theater and other places if you showed your kids club card. one of these giveaways i actually won- at the time the x-men cartoon was new and you could win all kinds of x-men related stuff if you sent in your name. a couple months later i received a cyclops action figure in the mail! it was the greatest thing ever: i got toys for free!!! how can you beat that?
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