Saturday, September 27, 2008

micro machines

one of my favorite toys growing up was micro machines. all they were was just littler matchbox cars, but for some reason i really loved them. i know these things are still being sold in stores now, but they were a ton cooler back then. they used to be a lot smaller then they make them now, they were about the size of a penny, and surprisingly detailed.
i would play with these things for hours! i had a couple play sets to mess around on, so they kept me busy for hours. there was even a time when my friend joel and i would build play sets of our own. we would spend hours and days building race tracks out of paper and tape for these things to whiz around in.
one really fun thing about my micro machines is that i still have most of them, and my little nephew jackson plays with them now, so they are still being enjoyed!

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